Fixated on Fixie - the birth of a new unit test runner

I enjoy reading about how software is made, and I like unit testing frameworks. So, when I heard about Patrick Plioi's new project Fixie, I rushed to check it out.

In this case, "check it out" doesn't mean "clone the repo and dig around the source code". Nor does it mean "install the NuGet package and build something". Although I may do those things in the future.

Nope. It means I read Mr. Plioi's articles about Fixie and its development. And I am having a great time. Moreso than hearing about Fixie's features (or more often lack of features), I'm enjoying seeing Mr. Plioi's approach to setting up a new project, including:

  • prototyping the scariest integration points first
  • the importance of starting out with a one-click build, for himself and for potential future contributors
  • streamlining, automating, or eliminating as much ceremony as possible
  • bootstrapping, and more!

The articles are well-written and articulate, and mildly funny. They're trending a little more into the implementation of Fixie itself, rather than guiding philosophies, but I still find them interesting. And it's worth noting that all the while I was enjoying the articles, I was thinking in the back of my head "this is a great exercise, and very instructive, but I've no interest in actually using Fixie—I'm content with [NUnit](". Until I read DRY Test Inheritance. I really liked the low-ceremony way conventions are used to locate test setups and teardowns. It hooked me. Even though I am usually not a fan of test class inheritance and the scheme described in this article has more weight than the Default Convention.

Of course, we'll probably never switch at the Day Job, at least not until the ReSharper test runner supports Fixie, but it might be fun to use for a small home project.